Monday, November 14, 2011

Flip Book from ReadWriteThink

Take a look at the Student Interactives on the ReadWriteThink website, and you'll find the interactive flip book that's a great writing tool for many grade levels.  This helps students to create tabbed flip books up to ten pages.  An all-purpose tool, the flip book allows students to create their own picture books, take reading notes, collect research facts, or make question and answer study guides.  ReadWriteThink provides lesson plans using the flip book as a start, but this would be a wonderful interactive to integrate into many unit plans.  The uses are endless!

Just click the Get Started button and the program will carry you and your students through the process from writing to publishing.  Take it for a test-drive yourself before using it with your class, and you'll see just how easy it is to use your computer as an easy publishing tool.

The Flip Book has four easy steps to completion.