Take a look at the tools I showed staff yesterday in our afternoon meeting. Try them out, take 'em for a spin around the block and see what you think!
- Computational Thinking Tools - This is probably not what you think. What you should think is "looking for patterns." Lessons and examples provide ideas for the classroom.
- Custom Search - Students get the look and feel of a real Google search but only with links that you provide. Learn how with this YouTube video.
- Google Chart Editor - Create and share charts and graphs. Chosse a type of chart, then plug in your information.
- Google Correlate - This is an ineresting place to find search patterns that follow trends. It's fun, but how to apply in the classroom . . .
- Google Earth Engine - So much data brought together in one place to help us visiualize changes and trends with the Earth!
- Google Logo Maker - This is your vanity license plate for a search engine.
- Google Sky - Look at the galaxies, at the Moon, and at Mars. There are so many different ways you could bring this interactive into lessons.
- Teach Parents Technology - Someone at home always asking you how to do something on the computer? Here's you answer that provides "a tech support care package". If you're the one needing assistance, you can watch the videos from the folks at Google, too.
- What Do You Love - Here's a place to bring all of the information together on a topic of your interest: videos, discussion groups, books about, blogs, pictures, and the list goes on.
- Zygote Body - Not exactly a Google tool any more, but started by Google, this is a place to learn more about the human anatomy.